The Good Samaritans of the Knights Templar Foundation has entered into a strategic partnership agreement with the SILENT KNIGHT program, founded by U. S. Army Colonel [Ret.] Craig Carlson, who is also the author of the book by that same name: SILENT KNIGHT. The SILENT KNIGHT program has a central theme of anonymous individual good works of charity and human caring, exemplified in the book by the retired COLONEL and his wife who spend their lifetime sharing that endeavor with young men and women whom they are mentoring. The beauty of SILENT KNIGHT is that it has now spread to some 26 nations all around the world and results in tens of thousands of individual acts of charity and caring, all done anonymously and for the single purpose of caring for our fellow humans and the betterment of our planet and society and civilization. There are further details on the SILENT KNIGHT Program at their website, www.TheSilentKnight.com, and copies of the book are also available through their website. Our foundation intends to do all in our power to support this outstanding initiative that is open to everyone on Planet Earth who wishes to make a difference and who seeks to do good for others. COLONEL Carlson and his wife Mo are indeed wonderful role models for all to follow as they give of themselves and their time and talent and personal earnings to help those less fortunate. Anyone wishing to contact COLONEL Carlson direct via e-mail can reach him at SilentKnightOne@aol.com


“Admiral Carey, Chairman of The Good Samaritans of the Knights Templar Foundation, and COLONEL Craig Carlson, Founder of the SILENT KNIGHT Program and Author of the book “Silent Knight”, during a recent Knights Templar event in Washington, DC”


A short treatise by our Founder!